Mistborn : Era One
The first Mistborn Trilogy is a series set in a world where some are born as Allomancers, people with the ability to take the metals of the world and use them to unleash awesome powers. Each metal aligns with a different power, and while most, are limited to the ability to use one, those known as Mistborn are capable of using them all. Our protagonists plan to use thier abilites to infiltrate high society and steal from the Lord Ruler, a seemingly immortal being who reigns over the land.
Steel | Push on metals, sending them flying away, or you flying away from them. |
Iron | Pull on metals, bringing them closer to you, or you closer to them. |
Tin | Enhances the five senses. |
Pewter | Greatly enhances physical strength. |
Bronze | Seek out other Allomancers. |
Copper | Hide themselves and others from other Allomancers. |
Zinc | Enhances the emotions of those nearby. |
Brass | Calms the emotions of those nearby. |
As Brandon is fond of saying: RAFO (or Read And Find Out!) how these powers bring our motley group of misfits to the heroes they are destined to be.
Mistborn : Era Two
If you're interested in reading Mistborn, what are you still doing here? Go to your local bookstore and pick up a copy. Pick up all three, they're quick reads. I can't tell you too much about Era Two without getting into spoiler territory, but it's set three-hundred years after the events of the first series, and brings the world from a classic medieval Europe setting to more of a Wild West, new frontier setting.
If you've already read Mistborn Era One and aren't sure if the new setting is right for you, the implications of using metal based powers in a developing world gets very interesting.